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  • #16
    Originally posted by Devin View Post
    Damn, if this doesn't send me back in time a decade, I don't know what does.

    Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I was recruited probably around '08 or '09. I left due

    I checked on the website a couple times over the years, just to see what you all were up to. Randomly decided to check today, and am not disappointed!

    Good to see the site up and running again, I'll have to look over it more when I'm done with work!
    Hey Devin, good to see ya.

    Yeah, we disbanded for awhile due to everyone having more pressing issues. Glad to see you found us, we have a Facebook group as well.

    Let me know if you want back in and you got it! Have a good one!


    • #17
      I typed in google the name of this guild cause I just thought, 'I wonder what has become of them' and to my pleasant surprise, this site was up and the name at the top reminding me of some good times!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Scoob View Post
        I typed in google the name of this guild cause I just thought, 'I wonder what has become of them' and to my pleasant surprise, this site was up and the name at the top reminding me of some good times!
        How's it goin Scoob, long time, no see. I was thinking of you honestly just the other day. I remember fondly of our chats on MSN messenger and testing each other's projects out. Keep in touch man!

